Content below images, resized images, autoslide
  • Provence beauty

    Lorem tesque a nisl ac nibh venenatis ultricies. Donec ut velit vitae purus consequat dolor amet feugiat in sed.

  • Light interior

    Glavrida amos agilos for do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna lorem nulla.

  • Landscapes

    Proin ligula justo iaculis quis ornare in tempus nulla for aliquam eget sit amet est.


VC Element: “Album scroller”

Thumbnails height: 160

Thumbnails width: 255

Gap between images (px): 30

Arrows: rectangular accent

Show albums descriptions: Under Image

Background under albums: Disabled

Content alignment: Center

Image hover background color: Color (from Theme options)

Show albums titles: Yes; Show albums excerpt: Yes; Show image miniatures : Yes

Show albums categories: Yes; Show albums date: Yes; Show albums author: No

Show albums comments: No; Show number of images & videos: No

Number of albums to show: 6

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): 3000

Loop: Yes

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Content on hover, proportional images


VC Element: “Album scroller”

Thumbnails height: 232

Thumbnails width: [leave empty]

Gap between images (px): 0

Arrows: light

Show albums descriptions: On colored background

Animation: Fade

Image hover background color: Color (from Theme options)

Show albums titles: Yes; Show albums excerpt: No; Show image miniatures : No

Show albums categories: Yes; Show albums date: No; Show albums author: No

Show albums comments: No; Show number of images & videos: No

Number of albums to show: 7

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): [leave empty]

Loop: No

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Content on hover, resized images


VC Element: “Album scroller”

Thumbnails height: 170

Thumbnails width: 207

Gap between images (px): 0

Arrows: light

Show albums descriptions: On colored background

Animation: Move from bottom

Image hover background color: Color (from Theme options)

Show albums titles: Yes; Show albums excerpt: No; Show image miniatures : No

Show albums categories: Yes; Show albums date: No; Show albums author: No

Show albums comments: No; Show number of images & videos: No

Number of albums to show: 12

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): [leave empty]

Loop: No

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending