
We specialize in helping you organize your most important asset, your people. We are not just your software provider. We are your workforce management partner that makes sure your people will always be put first.

People Power

HR is getting more complicated. This means your people are spending more and more energy managing your workforce. We work with your organization to provide an HR solution that eliminates manual effort and streamlines your processes, creating time for your people. By creating an easy, accessible and centralized employee information system, we ensure that your organization is as productive as possible while remaining compliant with the most recent legislation. We grow with your organization. Our solutions are scaled to your business needs, are dynamic and able to handle the changing realities of a modern workforce. The end result is less HR headaches with consistency across your company, allowing your people to do what they do best.


Document Library

Centralize and store sensitive documents such as resumes, background checks, certificates and employee pictures.

Performance Analysis

Help you track and reward employee performance with a simple scoring system.

Asset Management

Enable your company to protect assets, prevent theft and loss. Our solutions track all equipment assigned to staff

Multiple Employee Types

Easily manage contractors, consultants and volunteers.

Dynamic System Alerts

Direct notifications which prompt and remind users to take action.

Intelligent Reporting

Reports that can be easily shaped to meet business needs.

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